Driver instruction according to UVV: Download template as PDF

Driver instruction according to the UVV template PDF can be helpful for maintaining an overview.
Driver instruction according to the UVV template PDF can be helpful for maintaining an overview.

UVV driver training is one of the relevant processes in the fleet and should not be neglected. In our article, you can find out what UVV driver training involves, why it is important and what digital alternatives are available. In addition, we offer you a practical template as a PDF for download to help you create your own driver instruction.

What is UVV driver training?

The UVV driver instruction is a legally required safety instruction in the vehicle fleet. As many company vehicles are regarded as operating and working equipment, the accident prevention regulations must be complied with as part of the owner’s liability.

This also includes the regular instruction of drivers. This instruction should take place at least once a year and train employees in the safe handling of the vehicle and how to behave in the event of accidents.

Why is UVV driver training important?

Driver training should ensure that all employees are familiar with the vehicles and their operation. The training is also intended to ensure that drivers are able to deal safely with potentially dangerous situations and are familiar with all applicable traffic regulations. In this way, companies can prevent potential accidents involving company vehicles and increase the safety of their employees.

As UVV driver training is mandatory under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (ArbSchG) and the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV), employers face severe penalties for non-compliance. After § Section 22 para. 1 No. 26 ArbSchG Any person who intentionally or negligently acts contrary to § Section 12 para. 1 Set 2 does not instruct an employee correctly, completely or in good time. 

As a result, employees can assertclaims for damages against the company in the event of damage .  In addition, a fine or prison sentence can even be imposed in accordance with Section 26 No. 2 ArbSchG if the life or health of an employee is deliberately endangered as a result.

The UVV driver instruction includes, among other things, the correct behavior in the event of an accident. This teaches employees how to react correctly and avoid consequential damage.

What content should a UVV driver training template include?

To ensure the safety of employees and avoid sanctions, comprehensive UVV driver training is essential. To help you keep track of thelarge number of relevant training topics, we recommend using a template for UVV driver training .

However, as the hazards and requirements in the fleet and the special features of company vehicles vary, fleet managers must always adapt such templates individually. This enables those responsible to ensure that they really do cover all relevant areas.

However, the following points should always be included in the UVV driver training:

  • Traffic rules: Employees should be made aware of the applicable traffic rules and regulations in road traffic so that they can behave accordingly. These include right of way and distance rules, parking regulations, speed limits, but also signage. Particular attention must be paid to changes to existing rules so that all drivers are up to date.
  • Operation of the vehicle: As the operation of different vehicles can vary greatly, care must be taken to ensure that drivers are instructed in the correct operation of all elements. This includes both the vehicle controls and the safety equipment. Dealing with Electric vehicles must be considered separately here, as electric vehicles have special operating and safety elements.
  • Behavior in the event of accidents and damage: It is important to explain how drivers should behave in the event of an accident. accident or damage. This helps to prevent further damage and provide assistance until professional help arrives. Topics such as securing the accident site or first aid measures should be trained to protect everyone involved.
  • Safety: Safe driving is important to avoid accidents. To ensure that all employees can comply with safety standards, they must be trained on topics such as driving times and load securing.
  • Maintenance and care: DCorrect vehicle maintenance can prevent damage and also helps to prevent accidents. In addition to regular maintenance appointments at the workshop, drivers should also be able to check certain aspects of the vehicle themselves. This includes, for example, checking the tire pressure, brakes and oil level. This helps to identify problems at an early stage so that they do not become serious safety risks.

What do I need to bear in mind with a UVV driver instruction sample?

As every fleet has individual requirements, drivers also need to be trained differently depending on the situation. Different vehicle types have to meet different requirements. It is therefore not comprehensive enough to refer to a sample UVV driver instruction that only lists general points.

Creating the training content yourself can be very extensive and a major challenge for fleet managers. This high organizational effort can be avoided by switching to digital UVV driver training.

Fuhrparkmanagement Software Fleet+ digitalisiert die Verwaltung der Flotte

UVV driver training as an e-learning course

With Carano’s digital driver training in accordance with UVV, drivers are instructed quickly and safely without the need for time-consuming classroom training.

What are the advantages of digital driver instruction?

Thanks to its ease of use, an e-learning course offers many advantages over conventional classroom training:

  • Flexibility: Drivers can complete the training content anytime and anywhere and only need an Internet connection. This allows them to adapt the training process to their individual schedules.
  • Time savings: The ability to conduct training courses online reduces travel and organizational expenses. In addition, fleet managers do not have to compile the training materials themselves and present them to the employees. This time saving allows them to devote themselves to other tasks in the fleet.
  • Cost savings: By using digital training methods, employees can easily access training materials online. Costs for materials, printing and logistics can thus be reduced, making it easier to stay within budget.
  • Traceability: The system makes it easy to track each driver’s training, giving you proof of compliance with regulations and guidelines.

UVV driver instruction sample for download

Digital driver training offers several advantages for fleet managers and employees and is preferable to manual training in order to save time and money. Nevertheless, a model for driver instruction can serve as an initial guide for compiling the instruction content in a structured manner.

In our template for UVV driver training , you will find an overview of the most important content that should be covered in such training. Please note, however, that this template only serves as a basis and must be customized according to the specific requirements of your fleet. Please note that the template is only available in German.

Download Muster UVV-Fahrerunterweisung

Laden Sie sich kostenfrei unser Muster für die manuelle UVV-Fahrerunterweisung herunter.

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Conclusion on driver instruction according to UVV template

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