Driver's license verification in vehicle fleets

The legal regulations on owner’s liability oblige fleet managers to regularly check driver’s licenses. For many fleet managers, this translates to huge expenditure of time, money and often complicated documentation. With Carano’s driver’s license validataion, you can carry out the driver’s license check of company car drivers regardless of location. This saves effort, minimizes costs and offers drivers a great deal of flexibility.

The electronic driving licence control also offers drivers a lot of flexibility and user comfort
Fahrer erhalten automatische Benachrichtigungen bei anstehenden und überfälligen Terminen

The advantages of the electronic driver's license control

Automated communication

After creating the inspection intervals, you and the drivers are automatically notified of upcoming and overdue appointments

Variable validation options

In addition to validation using the smartphone app, visual inspection or manual control at selected locations via USB stick is also possible

Complete documentation

All results are stored in a traceable manner and serve as proof of the tests performed in the event of a claim.

Easily meet your owner liability obligations in your fleet with our electronic driver's license check

How the Carano digital driver's license control works

With Carano’s electronic driver’s license check, fleet managers can quickly and securely check the driver’s licenses of company car drivers. The special feature: Thanks to the notification function, both fleet managers and drivers are always informed and cumbersome coordination is no longer necessary.

Carano's driver's license inspection methods can be combined with each other

Additional validation methods

Testing at the site

With the USB stick, you can securely check drivers’ licenses at various locations even without a smartphone.

Visual inspection

The manual inspection on site allows fleet managers an additional control possibility and preservation of the owner liability obligations.

Beim Abziehen wird der NFC-Tag zerstört und kann so nicht auf einen anderen Führerschein geklebt werden

Register the driver & initialize driver's license

The data of all drivers are created in the system by the fleet manager. This is followed by the application of an NFC sticker to the driver’s license.

Using a USB stick, the data is uploaded into the app and linked to the driver.

Dank der Smartphone-App können Fahrer ihren Führerschein von unterwegs scannen

Check by using the app

Bell icon Automatic notification

Now the validation dates and intervals can be created and adjusted.

Drivers will receive a push notification and email starting 7 days before the scheduled validation date. Fleet managers are informed in case of missed appointments.

Mit der Speicherung der Prüfergebnisse haben Fuhrparkmanager im Schadenfall einen entsprechenden Nachweis

All data at a glance and always informed

Now, the check can be performed either by the driver himself or by an authorized person at a central location.

After the check, the result is stored in the system in an audit-proof manner.

The electronic driver's license check via app


Data initialization

The data of all drivers are created in the system by the fleet manager. An NFC sticker is then affixed to the driver’s license. With the help of a USB stick, the data is read into the app and linked to the driver.


Start of the validation process

Now the test dates can be created. The intervals can be flexibly scheduled and adjusted as required. Drivers receive a push notification 7 days before the start of the scheduled inspection date and e-mail. Fleet managers are notified of overdue appointments.


Validation of the driver's license

Now, the test can be performed either by the driver himself via smartphone app or by an authorized person at a central location. After the check, the result is stored in the system in a traceable manner.

Thanks to the electronic driver’s license check, Lufthansa Technik Logistik Services saves an enormous amount of time and has been able to reduce costs by around €2,500 per year.

Müller Service GmbH optimizes its extensive fleet operations with Fleet+ from Carano Software Solutions by centrally automating processes since the integration.

The Müller Service GmbH meets the varied requirements of its large fleet with Fleet+. Processes are automated and centrally controlled.

The smartphone app can be used to view the test history of previous driving licence checks

In combination: The driver's license check and Fleet+

Our software solutions can be easily combined with each other. Use our electronic driver’s license control liva with our fleet management software Fleet+ and benefit from a smooth workflow with simple data maintenance, without additional effort.

Do you already use the LapID driving license check in your fleet or do you need a check method that allows drivers to scan their driving license at one of the 1,200 check stations throughout Germany? Then combine the LapID driver’s license check with our fleet software Fleet+.

The following applies to both solutions: Once you have created the driver data and inspection intervals in Fleet+, they are transferred to the smartphone app. Once the check has been completed, it automatically transmits the results to Fleet+, where you can view the status of each check.

Die elektronische Führerscheinkontrolle lässt sich nahtlos in die Fuhrparkmanagement Software Fleet+ integrieren, wodurch ein reibungsloser Workflow und eine einfache Datenpflege ohne zusätzlichen Aufwand gewährleistet werden
Die elektronische Führerscheinkontrolle von LapID lässt sich problemlos mit der Carano Fuhrparksoftware Fleet+ integrieren

Your service package for owner liability in the vehicle fleet

Our software solutions can be easily combined with each other. Use the electronic driver's license control with our fleet management software Fleet+ or our corporate car sharing software and benefit from a smooth workflow with easy data maintenance, without additional effort.

Corporate car sharing

Booking tool with calendar, automatic vehicle dispatching and tools for 24/7 access to the vehicle

Fleet Management Software

Powerful fleet software for fleet organization with structured workflows and full cost control

UVV driver training

E-learning course with notifications and final test for safe instruction of all drivers

The electronic driving licence control also offers drivers a lot of flexibility and user comfort

Legal basis for the driver's license control

The obligation to carry out the driver’s license check in the vehicle fleet can be derived from § 21 of the Road Traffic Act (StVG). If the driver’s license check is not carried out at all or only irregularly, the fleet management is threatened with severe fines, loss of insurance and, in the worst case, even criminal consequences. Therefore, it is recommended that driver’s licenses be checked at least twice a year and before each first trip.

Electronic driver's license control from Carano

Do you have questions about the Carano electronic driver's license check?
Our product specialists will be happy to advise you.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions about the driver's license validation

According to the Road Traffic Regulations, the vehicle owner is obliged to be in possession of a valid driving license when driving a vehicle. This means that a person responsible for a vehicle fleet must regularly check the validity of all driver’s licenses of company car drivers. Failure to comply could result in severe penalties in the event of a claim. According to section 21 of the StVG, the penalty ranges from a fine to imprisonment for up to one year.

A manual check is time-consuming and usually involves a great deal of organization. This is usually difficult to implement, especially for decentralized fleets. An electronic driver’s license check via app is possible at any time and regardless of the driver’s location.

An NFC tag is a chip that can transmit certain data. NFC, short for Near Field Communication, is an internationally recognized standard that stands for wireless data exchange of a few centimeters. With an NFC sticker, you have the option of transferring data or activating or deactivating certain functions.

In the electronic driver’s license validation, a chip with an NFC sticker is attached to the driver’s license, which can then be used to initialize the data and, in the further course, to check the driver’s license.

Drivers should immediately report a damaged NFC tag to the fleet manager, as the data cannot be read out with a defective chip, making it impossible to check the driver’s license.

The test results of Carano’s electronic driver’s license check are documented in a complete and traceable manner, so that fleet managers can prove that they have fulfilled their liability obligations as vehicle owner.

The inspection intervals are not prescribed by law, so fleet managers can decide for themselves how often an inspection should take place each year. However, a semi-annual check-up is recommended. With the help of Carano’s electronic driver’s license validation, you can determine the inspection intervals yourself. The software then automatically creates the corresponding follow-up appointments.

You can use the electronic driver’s license validation as a desktop and as a smartphone app, with iOS and Android.

All Carano driver’s license data, including your user data and exam data, is stored exclusively in encrypted form in Frankfurt am Main at the Amazon Web Services (“AWS”) location EU-Central-1 (Frankfurt). German data protection law therefore applies. Your data is therefore protected by the Federal Data Protection Act. AWS is SOC3, ISO/IEC 27001 and CAT5 certified. We take the protection of your data very seriously and adhere to legal requirements. You can find more information about the use of your data in our privacy policy.

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Drivers can access the e-learning course without prior registration or password assignment

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