The lexicon for your fleet

Welcome to our fleet lexicon! Discover numerous definitions – from A to Z – of the most important terms relating to vehicle fleets.

  • Annual car
    Ein Jahreswagen ist eine attraktive Option für die Beschaffung im Fuhrpark
    - When purchasing vehicles for the fleet, many fleet managers opt for annual vehicles. What exactly these vehicles are and what advantages and disadvantages you as a fleet manager should weigh up before buying [...]
  • Authorization
    Die Zulassung ist ein wichtiger Prozess für Fahrzeuge.
    - Registration is an important process that every vehicle has to go through. In this article, you will find out what you need to register your vehicle, how it works and how long it is valid for. With a [...]
  • Autonomous driving
    Autonomes Fahren ist eine der Innovationen in der Mobilitätsbranche.
    - Autonomous driving is considered one of the most groundbreaking innovations in the mobility industry. It promises not only safety on the roads, but also more efficient traffic flows and a further step towards sustainable mobility solutions. But what exactly is behind this technology, how does it work and what advantages does it bring? What is […]
  • Car Allowance
    Für einige Mitarbeiter ist eine Car Allowance vorteilhaft, da sie lieber mit dem eigenen Privatfahrzeug fahren
    - Companies that want to ensure the mobility of their employees usually provide them with company cars or pool vehicles. Efficient pool vehicle management plays a decisive role in ensuring [...]
  • Car subscription
    Ein Auto Abo ist ein flexibles Mobilitätskonzept und eine gute Alternative zu herkömmlichen Dienstwagen
    - More and more companies and private individuals are opting for a car subscription as a modern alternative to traditional leasing or purchase models. But what exactly is a car subscription and what advantages does it offer? What is a car subscription? A car subscription is a flexible mobility concept in which users are provided with […]
  • Catalog of fines
    Der Bußgeldkatalog ist ein wichtiges Instrument der Verkehrsüberwachung
    - The catalog of fines is an important instrument of traffic monitoring. We explain which violations are regulated in the catalog of fines and what appeal options are available. The catalog of fines in Germany [...]
  • Driving license classes
    Führerscheinklassen sind wichtige Kategorien, wenn es um die Erlaubnis zum Fahren eines Fahrzeuges geht.
    - Driving license categories are important categories when it comes to permission to drive a vehicle. In this article, you will find out what driving license categories are and what different driving license categories there are. [...]
  • Eco-Driving
    Dank Eco-Driving können im Fuhrpark die Kosten gesenkt werden.
    - More and more companies are encouraging their drivers to adopt an ecological driving style. This not only helps to reduce costs, but also to meet environmental targets. What eco-driving is all about [...]
  • Environmental badge
    Fahrzeuge, m
    - There are 39 environmental zones in Germany that only vehicles with a green environmental badge are allowed to drive in. But what exactly is an environmental badge, how do you get one and how long is such a badge valid? We [...]
  • Fuel Management
    Ein effizientes Kraftstoffmanagement kann die Kosten und den Kraftstoffverbrauch senken.
    - The vehicle fleet is one of the largest cost centers in many companies. Expenditure on petrol, diesel, etc. is particularly costly. Efficient fuel management is therefore essential. In this article [...]
  • Green insurance card
    - Many drivers traveling in other European countries always have their green insurance card to hand. But the card is no longer green and in many countries it is not even mandatory. Why it [...]
  • Gross list price
    Der Bruttolistenpreis ist eine wichtige Kennzahl im Fuhrpark
    - The gross list price is an important key figure when it comes to the taxation of the private use of company cars. In this article, you will learn what the gross list price for company cars is, what it [...]
  • International driving license
    Internationale Führerscheine werden außerhalb Europas oft benötigt, um eine gültige Fahrerlaubnis vorzuweisen.
    - An international driving license is an important document that allows you to drive a vehicle abroad. In this article you will find out where you need it, how to obtain it and what consequences [...]
  • Long-term rental
    Die Langzeitmiete ist eine flexible Option für Fuhrparkmanager, die den Mobilitätsbedarf im Fuhrpark decken oder alternative Antriebe testen möchten
    - In addition to purchasing or leasing vehicles, long-term car rental is an attractive alternative for many fleet managers. This is because it allows fleets to respond to increased vehicle requirements, for example [...]
  • Main inspection
    Die Hauptuntersuchung ist auch als TÜV bekannt und gehört zu den Pflichtterminen im Fuhrpark.
    - Whether company car or pool vehicle, the main inspection is one of the mandatory appointments in the vehicle fleet. But how often do vehicles have to undergo a general inspection, what is checked and what happens if a vehicle fails? Here [...]
  • No-claims class
    Das System der Schadenfreiheitsklasse, kurz auch SF-Klasse wird von Kfz-Versicherungen verwendet, um die Prämienhöhe für die Kfz-Haftpflicht- und Vollkaskoversicherung zu bestimmen.
    - Those who drive accident-free for many years are rewarded by the insurance company and have to pay a lower insurance premium. In this article, you will find out exactly what a no-claims bonus is, which [...]
  • Operating costs
    Die Betriebskosten sind ein wichtiger Faktor im Fuhrparkmanagement.
    - Operating costs are far more than just figures on a balance sheet – they are the engine that keeps a company’s operations and fleet running. But what exactly is behind this term and how can companies manage these costs efficiently? What is behind the term operating costs? Operating costs are part of the Total Cost […]
  • Procurement
    Die Beschaffung ist eine der essentiellen Aufgaben eines Fuhrparkleiters.
    - Procurement is an essential part of every company, as it lays the foundation for smooth processes. Whether vehicles, skilled workers or specialized software – strategic procurement ensures that the required resources are provided in optimum quality and at the best conditions. What is procurement? Procurement refers to all measures aimed at providing the materials, services […]
  • Residual value
    Der Restwert ist eine wichtige Größe im Fuhrparkmanagement.
    - Residual value is an important parameter in a vehicle fleet and essential for efficient fleet management. Here you can find out what residual value is, which methods can be used to determine it and what influences it [...]
  • Tire management
    Zum Reifenmanagement im Fuhrpark gehört der regelmäßige Reifenwechel und die Überprüfung des Reifendrucks sowie der Profiltiefe
    - Tire management is one of the most important tasks in a vehicle fleet. After all, tires have a direct influence on fuel consumption and the road safety of vehicles. In this article you will learn how [...]
  • Vehicle identification number
    Die Fahrzeugidentifikationsnummer ist eine unverwechselbare, 17-stellige Nummer. Diese ist an verschiedenen Stellen am und im Fahrzeug zu finden.
    - Every vehicle has it: the unique vehicle identification number. In this article, we explain the meaning of the VIN, its structure and why it is so important in the vehicle fleet. The vehicle identification number [...]
  • Wallbox
    Eine Wallbox kann viel Zeit beim Laden von E-Fahrzeugen sparen.
    - A wallbox is specially developed for charging electric vehicles and enables charging at home or at work. Here you can find out exactly what a wallbox is, how it works and whether a wallbox [...]
  • Way to work
    Der Arbeitsweg ist die Strecke zwischen Wohnort und erster Tätigkeitsstelle. Er ist wichtig für die Versteuerung von Dienstwagen.
    - The journey to work, often defined as the distance between home and the first place of work, plays an important role in fleet management and company car use. Tax regulations, in particular on taxation when using a company car, are of central importance here. What is the commute? The journey to work describes the distance […]
  • Winter tire obligation
    Die Winterreifenpflicht sorgt für mehr Verkehrssicherheit.
    - Winter tires are essential for safe driving in winter weather conditions. Here you can find out what the winter tire requirement is, when it applies and the consequences of failing to comply with the [...]
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