Fuel Management

Ein effizientes Kraftstoffmanagement kann die Kosten und den Kraftstoffverbrauch senken.

The vehicle fleet is one of the largest cost centers in many companies. Expenditure on petrol, diesel, etc. is particularly costly. Efficient fuel management is therefore essential. In this article, you will find out what this involves and which aspects you should consider.

What does fuel management mean?

Fuel management involves monitoring and optimizing the fuel consumption of all vehicles in the fleet. By specifically monitoring costs, fleet managers can take targeted savings measures to reduce operating expenses. At the same time, fuel management also contributes to greater sustainability in the fleet. More efficient driving behaviour can not only minimize fuel consumption, but also the environmental impact.

Switching to alternative fuels such as natural gas, biofuels or electricity can also be part of your company’s fuel management strategy. In this way, you can further reduce your dependence on fossil fuels and the release of harmful emissions.

What methods are there for fuel management?

There are various approaches to efficient fuel management in the vehicle fleet. These include

Fuel cards

Fuel cards, especially fuel cards for companies, make it easier to control costs and analyze consumption. They provide detailed information on fuel purchases, including quantity and price. Instead of countless individual receipts, fuel cards provide a monthly collective invoice that clearly summarizes all transactions.

Companies can customize the use of fuel cards by setting spending limits, restricting purchases to certain types of fuel or blocking unauthorized transactions. In addition, many fuel card providers offer discounts on other vehicle-related services such as car washes or breakdown assistance.

Analysis using fleet software

With the help of fleet software , fuel consumption can be monitored and evaluated in a targeted manner. As a fleet manager, you can make data-based decisions and consistently reduce expenditure. Fleet software such as Fleet+ from Carano also offers the option of integrating fuel cards and including this data in the evaluation.

How does fuel management help to reduce fuel consumption in the fleet?

Various measures can significantly reduce the consumption of petrol, diesel and other fuels in your fleet . However, don’t just rely on one measure, but combine them depending on the requirements and possibilities in your fleet.

Regular maintenance

Maintenance and servicing measures can identify problems at an early stage and extend the service life of vehicles. For example, dirty or worn spark plugs and clogged air filters impair engine operation and lead to increased fuel consumption. Regular replacement of these components keeps the engine running cleanly and efficiently.

Tire management

If the tire pressure is too low, the rolling resistance increases and with it the fuel consumption. Worn tires also mean that more fuel is required. So-called low-rolling resistance tires are characterized by lower rolling resistance and can therefore reduce fuel consumption by up to 5 %.

Driver training

As part of training courses, employees learn more about fuel-saving driving styles and techniques. These include gentle acceleration and braking, maintaining steady speeds and observing optimum engine speeds. The practices also increase driver safety and reduce vehicle wear and tear.